Sunday 29 July 2012


1         The teachers get to know how the school affects the society and vice versa. For  example culture  beliefs  affects  the way  the  school  is run  whereas  knowledge  acquired  at school  might  affect the  home  situation. In some communities for example it is unacceptable for girls to wear shorts for physical education. On the other hand , learners  who are  made  to believe  that  education will  lead them  to  white  collar Job  may  find  its  difficult  to carry  out  manual  chores  at home  or take  a manual Job.

2        Sociology of education is a source of educational goals and objectives. The student teachers are en-lighted on how the education process in society is like. With  this  knowledge  teachers  are able  to know  what  is  supposed to be  taught to students at what time ,the  level of  students to be  taught etc.

3        The students teachers  through  sociology of education  gets  to understand the  nature of  society  the learners  are  being  prepared  to live and play active  roles and improve it. The socialization between teachers and  students enables  teachers  know the society in which their students  are prepared to live in and thus train  them on  the best  ways they are supposed to live  in their society,  for  examples those  that  live  near water  bodies are taught on migrations of fish, the  agricultural communities are taught the best agricultural methods  to give  high yield.

4        Helps teachers  understand group behavior ,hence the   behavior of learners  for effective teaching planning and  teaching  example  a teacher teaching  in  community  where  dwellers  of that  society  cherish  women   in heritance, may  try  to  convince  student a against  this  practice by for  example  teaching  dancers  of  HIV/AIDS, the  course  effects  to the  society and the  nation in general.

5        Helps the teachers to understand the relationships and interactions within the  school and the  community and how they affect the learning process. For  example in some  communities that believes  that  girls  having  higher  education for  example  the university  education  are all   immoral , teacher  can try  to convince  parents  especially  during parents meeting on the  need  to educate all genders to their  highest levels of education and  the benefits they  get.
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Agent of  socialization.

1        The family
This is the first social institution that the learner gets into contact with.The family has a hierarchy of authority which help in administrative matters ,each family has specific habits, attitudes and values which are passed to children. In the family there is use of common language. Although  many languages  may be  used , one  is  commonly used  and  the  children will  learn it first. The child learns that they are members of a group and know  the  position they  occupy in  the  family, learners  learn religion, gender role , accept themselves as boys and  girls, etiquette and so on.

2        School
It is the second society which the child Joins and continues with the process of socialization. School has its own locality and organized administrative system headed by the head teacher. The school has tradition, customs, motto, uniform and rules which bind it as a society. There is clear division of labour and responsibility. The class is seen as a small community of the society with classroom as the home. Members  of the  school learn to  recognize  hierarchy  of authority  through school rules, they  learn to  behave in a socially acceptable manner and the  school motto help learners  to  identify  themselves with  the  school.

3        The peer group.
As learners  in a class  or school they  form small groups based on friendship usually  composed  of  learners  of almost the  same  age , sex and  interest. In these  groups  there are  a lot  of socialization  that takes place , the  learners  are so  free  with  each other  in the group and share  lots of  information because  the groups are  usually  composed  of single  sex pupils, they  identify  themselves  with various gender  roles. These groups help individuals to accept other members of the family with different views and values. They anticipate adult role through play.
4        Religious organization
Most  families identify  themselves  with  religious  groups, as  a result, children  are  introduced  to religion from  an early  age these  group  have  their  belief, values and practices which  they expect their  members  to  uphold. These groups  have  moral  codes  which  guides  people  in their relationship, social responsibility is  taught ,many teach love  for one another  and some religious have  a dress code for their members.

5        Mass  media
Due to  rapid  technological development  the world  has become  a global village, young people are increasingly exposed  to way of  life  of other countries through the mass media  eg through  newspapers, television internet , communication gadgets etc, young  people gets  to  know about entertainment , they may  copy  the way  of dressing, walking  ,talking from media personalities they identify themselves with .The  foreign influence has  effect  in  African  culture thus parents and teachers needs to monitor what young children are exposed to in order to avoid negative influences
                           3) way in which   school socializes  learners.

i.        Learners recognize the hierarchy of authority which is important in a solid organization.
ii.      Through school rules and role modeling of teaching   learners learn to behave in a society acceptance manner eg respect, good manners, obedience etc.
iii.    Through school  motto  and  traditions help  in making  members  identify  with and  be  proud of the  school.
iv.    Learners learn to relate with each other in their various status. eg  they  have  classmates housemates, club mates, desk mates, younger and  older pupils , prefects , teachers , non- teaching staff all of  whom  they  need  to  relate to appropriately.
v.      Learners understand they have a role to play in school society  and  carry out their duties.
vi.    Learn to appreciate and accept those who are better and worse b than them especially in academic excellence. This enables them accept their weakness and strengths in wider society.


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  9. hello. i need the importance of studying sociology at ECD level

  10. Sociology studies role of the institutions in the development of the individuals
    Ollen Hlabanai et al (2017)articulate that it is through sociology that scientific study of the great social institutions and the relation of the individual to each is being made. The home and family ,the school and educaton,the church and religion, the state and government ,industry and work ,the community and association, these are institutions through which society functions. Sociology studies these institutions and their role in the development of the individual and suggests suitable measures for restrengthening them with a view to enable them to serve the individual better.

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  20. very key note and effective reasons of how imperative it is as a student teacher to know about the sociology of education.

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